What is The Purpose of Using A Portable Radio Antenna?
An antenna is one of the most important components on any two-way radio. If your portable radio antenna is damaged, bent, or even missing, you should replace it immediately to prevent damaging your radio further. At edgetechinc, we have a wide assortment of portable radio antennas for all Hytera radio models. If you are not sure what model will fit your radio or need more information on radios and antennas in general, feel free to connect with our team of experts today. Generally, an antenna is an important part of digital radio which is used to convert electric energy into radio waves. This conversion enables the communication between two points. These are usually a radio transmitter and receiver as no digital radio will work without one. Antennas can sometimes be as simple as a piece of wire but such things depend on the app.
Let's have a look at the best Hytera radio antennas -
- Hytera AN0455H03
- Hytera AN0485H13
- Hytera AN0460W19
- Hytera AN0435H18
- Hytera AN0445W04
- Hytera GPS04
Why do we need a portable radio antenna?
There are several reasons as to why we need or why we use antennas, but an important reason as to why we use antennas is that they provide a simple way to transfer signals where other methods are impossible. Antennas are the gateway for wireless communication. There are many situations or applications where cables are preferred over wireless communication with antennas.
Steps to fix a broken radio antenna -
A radio antenna is also known as aerial which is a metal rod that catches radio waves and then modifies these waves into electrical signals that your radio can interpret as information. The hardware of radio antennas is fairly inexpensive hence you can easily fix your antenna.
1. Many radio antennas have magnifier links that allow it to extend or detract. You need to find the link which is present immediately below the break in your antenna. Apply aluminum foil on that part carefully.
2. The radio signals in the air must be conducted by an unbroken piece of foil. The signal cannot transmit across gaps in the metal, so you need to use an individual piece that will help you in preventing gaps from forming.
3. In this next step, you have to wrap your foil around the broken bottom of the top piece of your antenna until both parts are firmly joined. Once both parts are joined properly, proceed to the next step. The aluminum foil is malleable so your antenna will be somewhat flimsy until you apply your duct tape.
4. This will insulate your break from the elements as well as strengthen the connection bridging the break in your antenna. You need to continue wrapping your duct tape until the foil is entirely covered.
5. Turn on your Hytera radio to see if your fix has improved your signal. If still, you are experiencing poor signal, you may have a gap in your foil. So you have to re-wrap the antenna.
Take a look at the antennas section of our website i.e., edgetechinc for full information, & do not hesitate to contact us.
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